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Monday, June 3, 2013

Trickle Up Economic Theory in a Nutshell, by Lyndon J Taylor


If you read the story posted below, laughed at the story or  like some or most of the ideas presented in the story, pass it on to a friend. I do have a plan for an economic revolution, that must, must be, a completely peaceful one. I do not advocate the overthrow of the Chinese government or the American Government. I've  been just day dreaming about this system for about about 10 years, and its called trickle up economic theory, and it mixes evenly capitalism, communism, and socialism. It tries to take the best ideas of each while weeding out the horrible injustices of all three. This wholly fictional Violin Trade war (posted below) is completely made up but based on truth although I take a lot of liberties "reporting".

 If you're a believer in God or simply believe in goodness, this political system is based on the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha, if all men are created equal in the eyes of God, why shouldn't they be treated as equally as possible by the government.  It basically makes the things we need or absolutely have to have for survival free or very cheap. And the things we can live without, that waste our time, that ruin our health, and destroy our environment,  much more expensive so we can use the extra money(through VAT type taxes) to subsidize or make cheaper the things we absolutely have to have (like food, water, lodging and basic medical care). It may well come to go along with the complete elimination of income taxes and an introduction of very high sales taxes on some items, no taxes on many or most items and subsidies that pay producers and stores to make necessities available for  free or very little. It doesn't require any amendment to the constitution just the exposure of the message to the leaders and members of congress, where long consideration of its likelihood of success,  and slow introduction  of its policies which of course may or may not ever succeed. It will be up to the voters, the american people to  decide how much if any of this system they want for America; no crash of the stock market, no dramatic  turnover in congress. 

I want to make it very clear, this is not a  Democratic plan, this is not a Republican plan,  I personally like some of the things Republicans stand for and some of the things Democrats stand for. Presidents I like  have been Lyndon Johnson,  Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter, presidents I have hated have been Ronald Reagan,  Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, and I thoroughly renounce the idea and refuse to support the idea of creating any new party or independent movement: There are going to be Democrats who like my ideas, and Republicans;  some or other parts of my ideas. Each party is going to be able to get together carefully very slowly decide,  what if anything they like about  "Lyndonism" and experiment with a partial step by step introduction of the plan,  it may well take 50 or a hundred years;  Hopefully the first test of the plan would be the introduction of free  food at the 99c store and  something like Del Taco, and some selected items at supermarkets free for everyone,  payed, for by a higher sales tax on what.... the people and the politicians will decide by voting what  "bad"   consumer products to tax:For example to pay for the free food, it could be pay more for cigarettes to pay for food, or pay more for alcohol to get free food, or pay more for pornography to  get free food, or legalize  and pay much much more for marijuana, that alone would almost pay for free food. The voters and the  politicians they elect will vote on what the worst products for us are,  by majority rule, then calculate how  high the taxes will have to be, or how many items get taxed to pay for the free food etc, that's all I've got for now, maybe well have a chapter two,.........It may well solve the unemployment problem in the US as there are simply not enough jobs to go around, more people would choose not to work or work less,  mostly the lazy ones that aren't good for business anyway. This could free up the available jobs to hard working talented  people addicted to the more expensive products that are taxed. Expensive possessions will be for the workers, but the poor who want to work will be much better off than they are now, and those that cant work or don't want to work will be much better off. As for the rich, I don't think much will change for the worse from this plan because in the long run it will lower their taxes, this isn't a plan that soaks the rich to pay for the poor, it should  benefit everyone. One of the cheapest most affordable products in America today are illegal drugs, my plan  is to find a way to legalize and dramatically tax and raise the price of drugs, so that you wont be able to afford to do too much, unless you're working and working hard.

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